Tuesday 13 May 2014


We have listened to her on radio, watched her on our screens and seen her emcee at events. But who is she when not in the confines of a studio or on a stage- Smart, Charismatic, and a rare Gem. Flavia Tumusiime spared her precious time for the youth at KiBO Foundation where she shared about her life and career. What a humbling moment that was! She took us on a journey of her life, a journey that was filled with lessons for any youth out there. 

The world is tough. You need to know things that make you look and be different”-Flavia Tumusiime

Lesson 1: Exploit every opportunity 

Life is not a straight path. The opportunity you get to work today could be the stepping stone to your big break.  Therefore, once someone has entrusted you to work for them, give it your absolute best. The relationships you build, the impression you leave at your work place and the output of your effort will all count at one point. In Flavia’s words, “The minute you are given the chance to work, make the best of it such that you are not forgotten”.

Lesson 2: Make use of your talent(s)

So many people despise their talents. They would rather have another person’s talent forgetting that you cannot live another person’s life. “The youth have talent but they want someone else’s” says Flavia. If we all realized the power of our skills and talents, the unemployment rate in this country would be way down here by now.

Flavia Tumusiime speaking to the youth at KiBO Foundation
Lesson 3: It doesn't always have to be about you

There is so much we can do to make this world a better place. The next generation should be able to benefit from the fact that we graced this planet.  Flavia says, “It’s not about me. It’s about the next generation that will look up to me”. We should always aspire to do things that will inspire our community as well as motivate the next generation to be better people.

Lesson 4: Be mindful of whom you associate with 

No one is immune to peer pressure. It’s important to have friends of every sort of character but watch out for those who influence you to do things just for the sake of it. Life is more than just pleasing your friends and having a blast without thinking of the consequences. “Your circles can wreck you”, warns Flavia.

Lesson 5: There are four kinds of people

The people who’ll meet you when you are a “no body”, The people who’ll help you on your journey to the top, The people who’ll meet you on your journey to the top and The ones who’ll meet you when you’ve reached the top”. All these will have different opinions about you but it’s important to stay humble and acknowledge their contribution towards your growth in life.

Lesson 6: Never let people define you 

It’s important to know your worth, who you are and what you believe in. You’ll have to develop a thick skin on your journey to success because people will speak whatever they want to speak about you. You’ll have to ignore the negatives and focus on the bigger goal. “Actions speak louder than words but it takes patience for those actions to convince the world”- Flavia Tumusiime

Lesson 7: Stick to your story and be very consistent 

This is related to lesson 6. If the world portrays you as someone that you are not, you’ll have to disprove them by your actions. These actions should be in line with your personal beliefs and values such that over time, your true self will surface for all to see. This takes time but you will need to be patient. 

Lesson 8: Learn from other people’s mistakes 

What would be the point of putting very hot food in your mouth yet you saw your colleague being burnt by the same hot food? In every venture you aspire to undertake, speak to people who have been through it before. Listen to their experiences. This can help you succeed much faster and with fewer mistakes.

Lesson 9: Keep the right mindset 
Let's celebrate this wonderful moment

Things will not always go your way. Even if you fail at something or you are despised by someone, just hold your head high and keep going. One day, you will catch a break.

Lesson 10: Humility, Humility, Humility 

No matter what your achievements are, always remember to stay humble. Meekness doesn’t imply weakness. Take a look at the very successful people who remain at the top and are revered by many. Humility is a common virtue that they all share.

1 comment:

  1. I am Happy i have had a remedial after reading this Blog, She really put a lasting lesson i will leave to share with my grand children too.

    One word to Flavia, She is not where she is by mistake. she really deserves the honor and good things, she has worked for her status.
