Thursday 20 November 2014


The commitment ceremony of the 36th class of KiBO will remain one to remember for years. Held on a chilly Wednesday afternoon, the KiBO fraternity gathered at the car park to witness yet another moment when the youth said “Yes, I do” to walking the KiBO Journey. They said “I do” to the values of Commitment, Service, and Leadership which KiBO Foundation subscribes to. They committed to the principles of Honesty, Integrity, and Trust. They committed to a journey of personal transformation, a journey where they will use their skills to the best of their ability to make a difference in the community.

The class chanting their commitment

Barbra Uwera and Johnson Mutungi making a presentation on the Greenhouse project

Ms Doreen Barigye- Uganda Youth Forum 

The Chief Guest, Mr Fred Otunnu, Ag. Director Broadcasting Uganda Communications Commission

Listening to the warm speech by the Chief Guest, Mr. Fred Otunnu, Ag. Director Broadcasting- Uganda Communications Commission was an exhilarating moment. He had great praise and admiration for the work that KiBO is doing. Here’s a short text of his speech “….I see hope in this country. I have never seen any establishment engaging their students in making a commitment. I carefully listened to you and if all young people of Uganda could take this KiBO commitment, this country would be different. I hope you remain steadfast to this promise, remain honest, and let your conscience remind you of this commitment every day.  I wish we could have more of these KiBO establishments around the country. How I wish KiBO would also focus on areas that can develop applications to solve problems in society….”

A moment of laughter from the KiBO staff
After attentively listening to the students while they passionately spoke about their class project, Mr. Otunnu, on behalf of Uganda Communications Commission made a generous pledge of 7 million Uganda shillings towards supporting this cause. The 36th class is raising 10 million shillings to introduce greenhouse farming at Hill Preparatory School, a school which has an integrated curriculum for both “normal” and children with special needs.  

Picture Moment!!
Thank you Uganda Communications Commission, Thank you Uganda Youth Forum. Thank you everyone for honoring our invitation.