Thursday 20 November 2014


The commitment ceremony of the 36th class of KiBO will remain one to remember for years. Held on a chilly Wednesday afternoon, the KiBO fraternity gathered at the car park to witness yet another moment when the youth said “Yes, I do” to walking the KiBO Journey. They said “I do” to the values of Commitment, Service, and Leadership which KiBO Foundation subscribes to. They committed to the principles of Honesty, Integrity, and Trust. They committed to a journey of personal transformation, a journey where they will use their skills to the best of their ability to make a difference in the community.

The class chanting their commitment

Barbra Uwera and Johnson Mutungi making a presentation on the Greenhouse project

Ms Doreen Barigye- Uganda Youth Forum 

The Chief Guest, Mr Fred Otunnu, Ag. Director Broadcasting Uganda Communications Commission

Listening to the warm speech by the Chief Guest, Mr. Fred Otunnu, Ag. Director Broadcasting- Uganda Communications Commission was an exhilarating moment. He had great praise and admiration for the work that KiBO is doing. Here’s a short text of his speech “….I see hope in this country. I have never seen any establishment engaging their students in making a commitment. I carefully listened to you and if all young people of Uganda could take this KiBO commitment, this country would be different. I hope you remain steadfast to this promise, remain honest, and let your conscience remind you of this commitment every day.  I wish we could have more of these KiBO establishments around the country. How I wish KiBO would also focus on areas that can develop applications to solve problems in society….”

A moment of laughter from the KiBO staff
After attentively listening to the students while they passionately spoke about their class project, Mr. Otunnu, on behalf of Uganda Communications Commission made a generous pledge of 7 million Uganda shillings towards supporting this cause. The 36th class is raising 10 million shillings to introduce greenhouse farming at Hill Preparatory School, a school which has an integrated curriculum for both “normal” and children with special needs.  

Picture Moment!!
Thank you Uganda Communications Commission, Thank you Uganda Youth Forum. Thank you everyone for honoring our invitation.

Thursday 23 October 2014

RHETT POWER SHARES TIPS ON HOW TO START AND RUN A BUSINESS WITH THE YOUTH AT KiBO FOUNDATION Columnist, Tenacious Entrepreneur, Speaker, Business Coach, Author, ENFP, Explorer, Dad- that’s Rhett Power. So at KiBO, we wouldn't have been more excited and privileged to host such an extraordinary figure. Thanks to the US Mission in Uganda, the youth at KiBO yet again got the opportunity of learning from a successful entrepreneur.
Rhett Power speaking to the youth at KiBO Foundation 
Who else, other than Rhett Power at this material time in the life of any youth at KiBO would share tips on how to start and run a business? In no particular order, some of the tips he shared included
  • Do a self inventory: Are you motivated and resilient? Do you have blind faith to make it in business? How do you react to adversity? Asks yourself questions that will help you assess your readiness for business
  •   Develop your idea: When you are sure of your interest in business and you have an idea, do your homework. Completely understand your product or service. If you do not know your product/service, then no one will understand it
Selfie Moment
  •  Write a business plan: This is very important. It has got to be a living document that guides you as you grow in your business. It helps you assess your progress
  • Identify your market: Who do you want to sell to? Identifying your target market is key
  • Manage your cost: Look at how much you’ll pay for rent, utilities, and licence. It is absolutely important to have a budget
  • Get a mentor: This should ideally be someone who is not in the same field of business as you but has got an understanding of how to run a business. Always have someone who will look at what you are doing and criticize you or encourage you accordingly
  • Take advantage of free resources: Attend as many seminars, talks, or workshops as you possibly can to gain as much knowledge as possible
  •  Be flexible: Roll with the punches
"If I don't want competition, then I'm lazy. I love competition because I want to win"-Rhett Power
  • Customer service: Over deliver if you can. Do your best to retain that customer. Customers are the life of your business. You have to pay attention to them
  • Say goodbye to your social life: There will be moments when your business will consume you. It's okay to have some fun although it has to be limited
  • Say goodbye to regular paychecks until you get established 

Rhett added that it is okay to quit when;
  • Your heart is not in what you are doing
  • You are not happy and continue to be unhappy with what you are doing
  • You can not stand waking up every morning to do what you are doing
  • It is not satisfying anymore

However, you need to be absolutely sure that it is the decision you want to take and be ready to face the consequences.

"If you are not clear about what you are doing, then you shouldn't be doing it"- Rhett Power

Please go ahead and check out Rhett's website here.

Monday 6 October 2014


What happens when young Ugandan girls, with great potential are presented with a powerful tool, a tool that exposes them to infinite information and opportunities like never before? What could possibly happen if these girls grabbed this tool and exploited its contents for their personal growth and development? Just imagine what could possibly happen…  
KiBO Foundation under Intel Corporation’s project code named “She Will Connect” led a four day basic Information Technology training at Set Her Free. Using its own philosophy, Set Her Free empowers young Ugandan women, formerly enslaved by sex trade to become self sustaining by providing a safe environment, education, and rehabilitation. This customized IT training focused on three main topics; Introduction to Computers, Introduction to the internet and search engines, and Introduction to Microsoft Word which suited their level of education and grasp of English.

A total of 44 girls were directly trained by KiBO Foundation’s team. On the fourth day of training, these girls invited 14 of their colleagues to whom they taught the basics they learnt with guidance from the KiBO team. It was a sign of progress, seeing that about 98% of these girls had no previous computer knowledge at the beginning of the training. These girls are now able to turn on a computer, surf the internet, and use MS Word. One of the girls who attended the training on the fourth day has expressed interest in joining the KiBO Program. This training has imparted more than just computer skills to these girls; it has boosted their self esteem, created an aura of excitement, and strengthened the girls’ commitment to the Set Her Free program.

Below are a few thoughts from Set Her free

"KiBO has helped our girls get a lot of exposure to computers given their background. They never thought they would have such trainings. It is a stepping stone on their path to success. We teach them trade skills but IT too is very important.  We are grateful for this and we hope for a lasting partnership"- Pamela Agaba, Programs Director and Counselor

“The girls have gained skills such as aspects of typing which they never had before. It has taken away part of their inferiority complex. They feel privileged because the previous class did not get any of this training. We would therefore like to continuously engage these young women in activities that build their esteem. Having IT as part of their training will help in retaining them over the six months they are here (at Set Her Free). This week has had an increased turn up because of this training. Let’s keep this partnership growing”- Hilda Acen, a Social Worker

Immaculate (beneficiary); I learnt a bit of computer here at Set Her Free and auntie Pam (Pamela Agaba) allows me to use her computer. I was most interested in learning how to use the internet. In general, it has been a refreshing course for me since I already had some basic computing knowledge. The teachers (facilitators) were always on time and they were not harsh. They were friendly to us.

My name is Hellen (beneficiary). I had some knowledge on computers which I learnt from school which was very limited. During this training, I learnt to write a letter (using MS Word) and to use the internet. I did not have any major challenges because I know how to read. I will use this computer knowledge to market my items (crafts, beads, bags) over the internet. It has been good to get more knowledge about computers especially after I dropped out of school.

Florence (beneficiary); I had no computer knowledge before this training. I expected to learn how to use Facebook, type, and to search for information on the internet. As you can see, I am more confident while using a computer now. Starting to type was initially challenging but I will get used to it. I want to use the internet to look for ways of making my future salon look different. I have learnt something new. It has made me happy. When you search for something on the internet and the screen brings you many results, you just start smiling.

Dorothy (beneficiary); I learnt some computer from auntie Pamela. This training showed me that you can never have a lot of knowledge on anything. I expected to learn MS Excel but it did not happen. May be I’ll learn it next time. It was hard to use the Typing Tutor because of the way fingers are supposed to be placed but I found a way out. This training has been good, adventurous and interesting. I will be helping aunt Pam in typing her work. The internet will be resourceful in learning more about hair dressing, something I like very much.

Faridah (beneficiary); I had no interest in gaining computer skills. But when I was told about this training, I thought it would be good to try it out. I kept forgetting what was taught but my neighbors were very helpful. I now want to learn more. In fact, I’ll ask my big brother to buy me a computer although I think it’s expensive. I want to type more, and use the internet more.

Prossy (beneficiary); I did not have any computer skills prior to this training. I am excited about this whole computer idea. I have learnt how to turn on a computer, type, and save my documents. I will practice these skills when I get the chance to sit on any computer. During this training, I did not face any challenges because it was fun.

It is therefore evident that this training had a powerful impact on these girls. Their outlook has changed and there is more optimism in using the internet as a learning and marketing tool. 


Tuesday 23 September 2014


Africa is the next big thing in terms of opportunity. It has the most naturally rained arable land in the world. Its physical size is larger than North America, China, India, Europe, Argentina, and New Zealand combined. Innovations and technology are growing every time. There is a rise in the number of aggressive and dynamic entrepreneurs in Africa. Above all, Africa’s population is one billion people with a silently vibrant youth whose voice could thrust this continent to the next level.
Anthony Samuel setting the stage for the presentations

Did You Know? About 65% of the total population of Africa is below the age of 35 years, and over 35% are between the ages of 15 and 35 years - making Africa the most youthful continent. By 2020, it is projected that out of 4 people, 3 will be on average 20 years old.

Team Somalia doing their research 
While moderating a discussion on a topic; “Africa’s Youth and Leadership: A Ticking Bomb or an Opportunity?” Anthony Samuel (of Habib Group) engaged the 35th Class through this amazing session. It was about the youth at KiBO stretching their minds and looking at Africa as one unit, how the youth of Africa can make Africa the next super power, and what policies the African Union should put in place to harness the voices of Africa’s youth for prosperity of the continent. For the class, it was about quick thinking, research, innovation, public speaking, teamwork and confidence building.

Tracy Kansiime of the "Nigerian Envoy" presenting her case  
The class was divided into six teams (with 4 people per group) representing six African nations (Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Somalia, and Nigeria). There was a panel of five judges (Anthony Samuel, Christine Adhiambo, Jonathan Ebuk, Rosemary Amuge, and Baingana Sabiti) that gave general comments and feedback at the end of the presentations.  The discussants gave a brief history, statistics, and current state of affairs of all these countries. They presented a case for the youth in Africa. Their presentations showed that Africa’s youthful population is a massive opportunity. Young people are dynamic and are eager to take advantage of what life can offer them. It was clear that Africa’s youth need access to education, land, financing and credit to take advantage of the opportunities that lead to productive incomes.  Among the many solutions provided by the discussants also included; adopting a pro-Africa school curriculum which emphasizes practical and vocational skills, creating a think-tank comprising of youth which addresses youth policy issues, forming an African centre of education that supports and promotes Pan Africanism, and compulsory civil service to help the youth serve their countries to build a sense of nationalism and patriotism.

Ambrose asking a question

The discussants clearly indicated that there is underutilization of Africa’s resources. The youth have a big role to play in making Africa the place to live in. Africa is taking over.

Tuesday 16 September 2014


The Business Incubation Pillar, commonly referred to as the Entrepreneurship Pillar is the latest of KiBO Foundation’s 8 pillars. The focus of this pillar is to create a generation of youth with an entrepreneurial mindset; a mindset that believes in job creation, calculated risk taking, and taking advantage of every opportunity. The 35th class has fully embraced this pillar and for the first time in KiBO’s history, they presented their business ideas before their fellow classmates and KiBO staff. The Nadra Movement, KiBO Tasty Delights, and Say It With Love (SIWL) are the three ideas that three teams from this class are working on. Right here before your eyes ladies and gentlemen, could be the birth of three multimillion dollar enterprises.
Enoch, Regan, and Baingana taking notes during the presentations

The Nadra Movement- A Movement Like No Other: “Nadra” is a Swahili word meaning Rare or Unusual. This team’s idea is about empowering the next generation of Uganda through motivation, inspiration, and talent identification right from primary school. The Nadra Movement aspires to use performing arts and talks by successful people from different fields to change mindsets of children, to make them believe in possibilities, and to aspire for greatness from a tender age. Nadra believes that once a child grows up with an “Its Possible” mindset, only the sky will be the limit to their success.
Matthew presenting on the idea of Nadra 

Team Nadra Movement 

KiBO Tasty Delights- It’ll Blow Your Mind: KiBO Tasty Delights (KTD) prides itself in providing the best, most affordable tasty foods around Kansanga. They currently have two products; chips and pilau. In just over a week of running this business, KTD has raked a profit of 36,500UgShs. With remarkable budgeting, planning, sales, negotiation, and record keeping skills that they have employed, KTD could be the next big fast food restaurant chain in this country. The hospitality industry might just welcome another player in the market. Watch this space.     

Agnes of KiBO Tasty Delights drives her point home 

Team KiBO Tasty Delights

Say It With Love (SIWL): The name speaks for itself; SIWL is a company that delivers gifts to your loved ones. They currently deliver Candy and will soon be bringing to you fresh, beautiful Flowers and Cards. They are a team that catalyzes the process of spreading love and joy by being the people who deliver your thoughtful gifts and messages to areas you might not reach due to time constraints. They are in the business of sharing love and making this world a place of smiles, laughter, and joy.  
Ambrose Saying It With Love

Team Say It With Love

Final remarks from Abraham at the end of the presentations

With all these great ideas, greatness is bound to happen. 

Friday 12 September 2014


KiBO Foundation last week conducted a week-long summer camp which hosted 26 high school students ranging between 14 and 21 years of age. This was an amazing, life changing, and inspirational journey that opened their minds to a world of many possibilities. The experiences, games, lessons, and activities all created an environment of learning which was unique considering what the current school curriculum teachers. Thanks to Empower African Children and Makerere University-Johns Hopkins University Research Collaboration for sponsoring these students for this program.

The Crate Game: Every team is required to move a distance of about 50 meters on crates without any member stepping off the crate. This require planning, innovation, and patience

The activities during this week focused on work, giving back, experiential learning, career awakening and fundamental IT. Every session was tailored towards equipping the students with skills and ideas which could make them all round persons. It was about seeing “beyond the now” and focusing on a lifetime of influence in the most productive way possible.

With notable high achieving personalities who among others included Fagil Mandy and Kenneth Kimuli “Pablo”, speaking to and sharing their experiences with the students, this was surely a powerful program. In addition to class instruction, the students did community service at Loving Hearts Babies Home, visited Uganda Industrial Research Institute and the National Water and Sewerage Corporation, had spontaneous public speaking sessions, and had group discussions. All these sessions were aimed at shaping an all round person while building their self confidence as well.
That cracked us up! Kenneth Kimuli “Pablo”, a highly revered comedian and journalist left everyone in stitches during his talk

Rajab Basoga: “I got the chance to understand what life really is in Africa. Lucy made me understand that there are no jobs in Africa and I have a big part to play in solving Africa’s unemployment problem. When we went to UIRI, I was challenged by the person who was making briquettes from home waste. I thought you needed so much money to start a business but my mindset has totally changed after that visit”

Frank Isabirye: “I thank KiBO and the facilitators for this week. Before this week, I didn't know anything regarding business. Today, I have an idea which I’m going to act on. I am now going to write a proposal. Thanks to everyone who has made this possible. My Aha moment was listening to Pablo tell his story especially how he started honing his comedy skills while in high school”

Salima Merunisha Babirye: “I thank everyone who has made it possible for us to be at KiBO this week. I loved Barbara’s talk. I would love to have her come and speak to us again, whether at Empower or at School. From Barbara’s story, I learnt that no matter how many challenges you go through, you can still raise yourself up and have a positive impact on society”

That sums up how powerful the summer camp was. KiBO will always create innovative programs that engage the youth at all levels so that everyone will unleash their potential.


Thursday 14 August 2014


On a warm Friday afternoon, Moses Mutesasira, clad in his sky blue and grey over-all majestically walks to the place where his life took a complete U-turn…. KiBO Foundation. He shares his tale of transformation which was a result of the KiBO journey.

Before joining KiBO, Moses was a goon, a leader of a pick pocket racket on the streets of Kampala. Sleeping under tunnels, fighting, doing drugs, and leading a plan-less life was all he did. As a leader, he held strategic planning sessions with his loyal clique on where to go, who to target, and how to rob a potential victim. All this ended when he had an encounter with a one, Patrick Bwogi. It was at this point that he would hear of the name KiBO Foundation.  

In 2009, Moses enrolled for the KiBO program upon being recommended by Patrick. “In addition to the computer skills which I needed, I also wanted to improve on my communication and interpersonal skills”, says Moses about why he joined KiBO. His time at KiBO taught him more about life than anyone ever did. He recalls moments when he would disagree with some of his colleagues and burn with rage to the point where he wanted to fight. However, “KiBO’s environment was not appropriate for fighting”, he says with a smile. Moses summarizes what he learnt at KiBO in one statement, “KiBO taught me to believe in myself, to talk to people, and to bring a change in my community”.

Upon completing the KiBO course, Moses set out to begin anew. His first attempt in getting a job was futile. On three occasions, he went to the organization that had promised him a return call which never materialized. It was on his return from one of these visits to this organization that the idea of “Miracle Destiny Company” was born.
“I was walking back…, disappointed and pondering on what to do when I saw a sack of garbage at someone’s verandah”, recalls Moses. At that point he also recalls one of the many pieces of advice that Abraham Temu, the director of KiBO Foundation gave him, “find a social problem and get a solution to it”. He was paid UgShs 1,000 to carry this garbage and his life has never been the same. Miracle Destiny Company, a garbage collection company which is Moses’ brainchild currently employs six people (3 of whom are former street children), has a client base of over 200 people, and is growing in leaps and bounds. His vision for Miracle Destiny is “to diversify to a chain of businesses and make it the biggest brand in Uganda”.

His parting advice for any youth out there is powerful. He says, “The way KiBO changed my life is the same way it will change other people’s lives”.

Monday 30 June 2014


George at KiBO
This world will miss the opportunity to see the fruits of your extraordinary talent if you don't tap into it and express it. This is not the case with George Lukwago who is bringing out the best of himself through the gift of art. A young, enthusiastic, and forward looking gentleman. His works are expressions of brilliant ideas. His paintings show a touch of elegance, they will make your wall look absolutely beautiful. And the photo frames that he makes are splendid. George makes use of anything that comes his way ranging from egg shells, stones, beads, plywood, and even paper to express his passion for art. All his beautifully crafted pieces (which are available at the moment) cost between 20,000 UgShs (8USD) and 40,000shs (16USD).  

What an industrious youth George is! Let's all support his amazing art project. KiBO Foundation wishes George all the best.

Some of George's pieces
George is a member of the 33rd class of KiBO Foundation, sponsored by Empower African Children, an organization whose mission is to prepare orphaned and vulnerable children for a life time of influence.

To support George's work, you can contact him on +256-777020812 or Alternatively, you can contact KiBO Foundation or Empower African Children and ask for George Lukwago.
Here's to youth who are taking initiave..... 

Thursday 19 June 2014


It is always interesting to see what happens when a group of committed children with special needs undertake a course in Information Technology. At the Uganda School for the Deaf, eighteen very brilliant young minds are attending a digital literacy program based on INTEL'S EasySteps program supported by the Australian Volunteers for International Development,  designed and implemented by the KiBO Foundation.

This modularized course is aimed at improving everyday computing skills among these children and discussing issues affecting them including their roles in communities. Sitting in the computer class for

the first time, some of these participants were nervous, scared and excited at the same time. “Touching a computer has been one of the best things that has happened to me”, said one of the participants through an interpreter.

Imparting knowledge to these exceptional children using a language that the (KiBO) facilitators did not understand (sign language) was quite challenging. However the commitment, energy, and attention demonstrated by these trainees gave the facilitators the drive to give it their best. These young minds asked questions, helped each other out and were not afraid to express how they felt during the course of the session. The excitement and gratitude expressed by these children at the end of the day showed that something out of the ordinary had been achieved. When asked about what they had learnt, one of the participants, Leticia, spoke so precisely on how she can now turn on a computer, use the keyboard and create folders. She is not the only one who learnt something; the entire class had some kind words towards the program. The interpreter, Mr.Bosa relayed their comments and most of them said, “we want them (the trainers) back because today’s session exposed us to things we never knew”.

A sign language experience for Lilian from KiBO
To these deaf children, it is not only about gaining computer skills. It is about building them as a whole and teaching them relevant life skills as well. The program has just begun, let us wait and see what transformation takes place in their lives at the end. Perhaps the next Steve Jobs is seated in one of these classrooms.

On a final positive note, the KiBO faciltators have learnt much about the indomitable human spirit, perseverance, patience, empathy, a smuttering of sign language and life! The future looks bright....

Friday 23 May 2014


This is what it means to be part of the KiBO family. At KiBO, the joy of every youth counts. As KiBO continues to Change Lives & Communities, we bring smiles to the faces of youth through empowering them with skills that help them thrive and make the world a better place for all. KiBO Foundation, No Youth Left Behind.


Tuesday 20 May 2014


Aimee is a humble, hardworking and goal driven young Rwandese lady. She is a self employed KiBO alumnus of the 31st class who currently makes exceptionally beautiful crafts and bracelets.
Hers is a story of continuous self improvement against all odds. She stopped her studies in S.4 and then joined an institute for a certificate in Secretarial Studies. She managed to save her pocket money, bought a few materials that enabled her start a crafts Business. This is how she currently earns a living.


She was informed about an opportunity to study ICT by a friend at KiBO. She went to the Refugee Law Project where she was then sent to Rubaga Division to apply, and this brief explains how she got to know about KiBO.

Aimee expected to gain ICT skills and get a certificate at the end of her KiBO training. However, she got more than just ICT skills.
  • ·         She appreciates the new friends she got and the team work spirit that was exhibited during project work.
  • ·         Community service enabled her learn how to sensitize communities on good hygienic practices and doing service above self
  • ·         She further sharpened her entrepreneurship and saving skills.

A jolly Aimee Mukarugira at KiBO Foundation
Above all, she is so proud to know that her personal participation in every activity is very important in changing lives and communities

Aimee says, “….this program should not stop with us. So many youth need the skills imparted through the KiBO program and should therefore be expanded to different communities. The KiBO program helps people to become better leaders who can effect positive change in their communities for National transformation and development”.

  • ·         Aimee did not believe she could start up a big business for herself. She is grateful for the project planning and management practical sessions she had while at KiBO. The green House project made her see the possibility of doing something bigger than herself.
  • ·         The Speaker series and spontaneous class presentation sessions enabled her learn how to speak to people with confidence.
  • ·         She has a better self esteem than she had before KiBO.
  • ·         Fundraising skills for a genuine cause is another lesson she took home from her KiBO journey
  • ·         Aimee has learnt that it’s not always about having a job. Doing voluntary work to make a difference in communities is also important.


Aimee lives a life full of optimism and hope for a better tomorrow. She applies some of the lessons she learnt from KiBO in her day to day running of business. She has worked hard to build her customer network. She is also using the power of social networking to expand on her customer base.

Aimee has been in position to export some of her crafts and she is so grateful that all these lessons were brought to her attention during the KiBO program. She really appreciates the power of networking in business.  Her customers are members from the neighborhood and community. She is currently developing a business proposal to start up a Crafts shop that portrays the diverse cultures in Uganda.

Aimee is grateful to the George Drew Trust for the opportunity to experience this unique training that KiBO imparts to the youth. This amazing journey has helped her get equipped with skills that have changed her life style, financial status and mindset.

(Article written by Douglas Balikuddembe, Tutor KiBO Foundation)

Friday 16 May 2014


Calvin is an industrious and creative young man. He runs an environmentally friendly and sustainable project that turns garbage into a product used for cooking. His briquettes business tells a story of patience, focus and resilience.

After hearing about the KiBO program from a youth councilor in Kawempe Division, he decided to join this interesting and challenging journey of contributing to the well being of society. The aspects of Technology, Leadership & Project management are what mainly attracted him to KiBO.

Calvin Matovu passionately talking about Briquettes
While at KiBO, the pillar that had the most impact on his life was Community Service. He was engaged in this activity even before joining the KiBO program. However, the way in which KiBO implements its community service gave him an idea on how to take this back to his community and more especially use it to build his business. The KiBO program gave him proposal writing tips and ideas on how to fundraise for projects. He has managed to receive a grant from Kampala Capital City Authority to further grow his business. He also works with colleagues who have gone through the KiBO program.

When asked about what makes his business survive, he says “Faith and Passion. I love rubbish no matter what other people say”. He continues to say that determination, endurance and good leadership (especially for his staff) are very vital. His inspiration for joining business is Mr Ashish Thakkar, Founder Mara Group.

Calvin looks at KiBO Foundation as a place where he sharpened his critical thinking skills and teamwork abilities. “KiBO has made me a better leader”, he concluded.

KiBO Foundation wishes Calvin Matovu all the best in his business. Calvin will be exhibiting at the KiBO students graduation at Kisaasi Primary School on 30th May 2014.